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Suffolk Writes Project

Suffolk Libraries eBook Anthology

We were pleased to receive news from James Powell, Marketing and Communications Manager for Suffolk Libraries, about the launch of a new eBook anthology which includes nearly a hundred submissions from local people. The Suffolk Writes anthology was officially launched at a writer's workshop with bestselling author Lauren North, at Ipswich Library on Saturday 15th January 2022. Lisa Brennan, Suffolk Libraries, Content and Reader Development Librarian, said:

‘We originally launched our Suffolk Writes project in 2016, which has given aspiring writers the opportunity to share their work with others via our popular eLibrary service. We decided collecting these short stories and poems into an annual anthology would be the best way of making them available to a wider audience and we’re very excited to launch the first one. We’ve been stunned and delighted at the incredible response we have received from writers across Suffolk who have submitted brilliant content to be included.’

The new Suffolk Writes 2022 anthology is now available to download and to read for free via Suffolk Libraries OverDrive service. The collection includes a wide variety of submitted short stories and poems and is an evolution of the Suffolk Writes project which has given aspiring local writers the chance to share their work with a wider audience. Over sixty people submitted entries for the 2022 anthology, including many members of Suffolk Libraries Discovereads online Facebook reading group.

The anthology can be found via the Suffolk Libraries Overdrive service with full instructions on how to use the service on the Suffolk Libraries website.

Here is a particularly relevant example of the entries ‘Bibliophile – an abecedarian’ by Ellen Clayton; a poem focusing on a love of books and reading:

Above all else, reading

Books is the most

Consistent way I have filled my

Days since childhood:

Early memories of devouring

Folks of the faraway tree and

Gaining knowledge from the

Hardback encyclopaedias tucked tight

Into bookshelves. Reading has given me endless

Joy in my lifetime,

Keeping me awake at night as I cram in just one

Last chapter before I fall asleep.

Maybe you are a fellow bookworm and understand the

Need to read every day even if it’s just

One precious


Quite often on childhood holidays we would all sit,

Reading books quietly in comfortable, happy

Silence. Sometimes I feel

Terrified at the prospect that I will run out of time,

Unable to read everything I want to, that there will be

Various incredible books that I’ll never get around to,

Whole genres I won’t read. In tales of pirates,

X marks the spot and books are my greatest treasures.

You could say I have a passion, a

Zest for reading. It is vital to me. Like breathing.


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