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Five Books chosen by Caroline Davison

Caroline Davison’s chosen books are here. She wrote that they are ‘in the order I read them, [ones] that strongly influenced my approach to writing The Captain's Apprentice’.

The Ballad of Dorothy Wordsworth by Frances Wilson - radical reinterpretation of well-known material.

Now All Roads Lead to France: the Last Years of Edward Thomas by Matthew Hollis - focusing on one part of a life.

Footsteps: Adventures of a Romantic Biographer by Richard Holmes - biographical essays travelling in the footsteps of his subjects entwined with personal memoir.

Van Gogh's Ear: the True Story by Bernadette Murphy - independent scholar/ 'non-expert' digging out details on one aspect of a life.

Old Man Goya by Julia Blackburn - focusing on one part of a life, imagined sequences, personal memoir.


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