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Andrew Marsh's book recommendations

Andrew Marsh’s Children’s Book Recommendations

The Magic Faraway Tree - Enid Blyton. An absolute classic and one that definitely got me started on my love of reading and of books. Magical trees, odd characters, mysterious lands at the top of the tree and the slippery-slip … what’s not to love?

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone - J. K. Rowling. As a bookseller I can only dream of another such publishing phenomena, and as a book lover who was already way above the target age range, these books literally had everything going for them, including that much-written-about boarding school excitement theme.

Potkin & Stubbs - Sophie Green. Ghostly, spooky, mysterious and delightful. The atmospheric picture Sophie paints of Peligan City is like no other and I recommend this trilogy to adults and children alike at every opportunity.

The Invention of Hugo Cabret - Brian Selznick. Everything about this book is utterly incredible. The simple tale about a boy who lives in the walls of the Paris Metro is the stuff of dreams and has illustrations to match.

James and the Giant Peach - Roald Dahl. By far my favourite Dahl title, this is an adventure story like no other and one that still excites me as much now as it did when I first read it all those years ago.


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